Cancer Horoscope


COUPLES: This week Heaven will emerge for your conjugal Loves. First of all, Venus will be very supportive. Then, Pluto will be your accomplice. Your relationships with your spouse will be much more serene, happier and more sensual.

SINGLES: Hello love at first sight! You will want to get married right away since you will not be able to do without this person. It would be wise to wait a bit, just to get your spirits back!


You will have many opportunities to improve your material situation. You will be able to make successful transactions, and you will also be able to get a substantial bonus. Increased chance of games.


Only Mars will exert a significant influence on your health. Renowned for its energy and power, this planet will strengthen your resistance. This will only be true in part, because if you use it excessively, your body will react. Beware of small muscle accidents or allergic or inflammatory reactions!


Many planets will help you to realize your professional ambitions. Doped by the support of the Sun, in particular, you will be eager to see your efforts recognized at their fair value, which will be done quickly enough.


The planet Mercury, in a good position in your Sky, will focus on family life. It will give the women of the sign an eager devotion, and men a developed paternal fiber.


Doing good food is of great cost and little memory "(French proverb)

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